
Sbongile Engineering CC is a diversified organization which entails building, civil engineering, and
mechanical engineering disciplines. The diverse disciplines are due to the fact that the role players in this organization are qualified and experienced in these disciplines. The company was formed on 05 October 2006 after realizing that we can contribute to the infrastructural development of the Western Cape and its people.




To provide quality service to the Western Cape community.

To reinforce government’s initiative of skills development and job creation by transferring our skills to the local community.

To minimize the participation of companies based outside the Western Cape Province – thereby growing the local economy and cutting the costs of bringing in ‘outside’ companies.

To source all human resources, engineering materials and products, equipment and other assets in the Western Cape Province to grow the local economy.




To become the quality and affordable service provider to the Western Cape Province whilst developing the local community.




To become the leading service provider in the Western Cape Province which can be eventually be invited by other regions in the country due to our quality and cost effective services.


Core Strategy


  • To implement government’s policy of developing the previously disadvantaged individuals and women.
  • Our company has a flat structure. The principals are hands-on to the operations of the company – qualified and skilled in their respective disciplines. We do not have armchair administrators. Thereby cutting the labour costs.


Core Values


  • To remunerate our staff competitively in line with provincial standards.
  • To provide quality of our services by offering warranty.
  • To develop and transfer skills to the local community.
  • To encourage feedback from our clients to ensure customer satisfaction improvement.